Thursday 2 August 2012


              There are many times when I feel life cannot get more excruciating than it already is - 10th exams, 12th exams, the day I had no power etc.. This is about one such time when I felt life was punishing me for the sins I committed in my previous life/lives. Getting placed sure gives you tension but when your joining date is three months from the day you graduate, its a savage attack on your mind and soul. I would like to term this phenomenon - "Job-Wait".

             The city of Coimbatore is beautiful; good climate, good people and a good environment. Plus it has good theaters like Sathyam \m/ . But home is where your friends are and its hard for me to say this but Coimbatore is not my home. I prefer the dusty, hot and noisy Singaara Chennai. I have been in Coimbatore for two whole months and I could do nothing productive here. A BSNL net connection makes it even more  difficult. 2 Kbps was my download speed when I first came home :\ ! A little fight with the maintenance people and it has increased to 45 Kbps now :') . Not great but hey, it doesn't take one whole day to download an episode of Suits anymore. You see ads and posts where people are boasting about 3G speeds and then Google brings out Google Fiber to further deepen the wound.
             Despite all this, I continue to browse all day long because I have nothing else better to do. The Olympics, FIFA and MasterChef has kept me sane till now. Oh yeah, how can I forget, Dark Knight Rises Zindabad.. :D

             Over a period of time you get this feeling that you are being sucked into an endless black hole of vettiness and extra servings of curd rice. Hopefully all this wait will come to an end in one more month. Lets all pray for my sanity and good health till then. Amen!